Monday, August 12, 2013

Some LibreOffice tricks

Batch convert LibreOffice files to PDF

sudo libreoffice --headless --convert-to pdf *.docx
Just does what it says on the tin .. easy as. Note: sudo is needed - thanks Jay and

LibreOffice won't start (unless --norestore is used)

I often shut-down my laptop without checking for working documents / emails in draft. Things are so reliable in general that I can start up and continue (generally also the docs / emails were no so important that I could just walk away from unfinished). Lately I've had had the issue that I just couldn't start LibreOffice .. I found --norestore but needed it every time.

Check for restore items in the following file and just delete them

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Pixel CL-N3 Pin out

In case there are others out there tempted to but the pixel CL-N3 as opposed to the Canon one (or other generic). No comment yet on actual use but here are the pin-outs

Thanks to

Raspberry Pi project - shutter control on Canon 7D

OK so I'm embarking on my first 'real' Raspberry Pi hack. I've got one running as a music server but that's not really what it's all about. It's time to do some GPIO and maybe work my way towards some real electronics.

What I've selected as my first project is to replicate something that's been done before - getting the Pi to trigger the shutter on my partners Canon 7D. As per and many others out there.

Here is my shopping kit:

  • Raspberry Pi *
  • GPIO ribbon cable*
  • Basic Breadboard *
  • Jumper Wires 6" M/M Pack of 10
  • Asus USB-N10 **
  • 0.5W Metal Film 470K 1% resistors (8 pack) **
  • 2 x 2N222 NPN transistors **
  • Pixel CL-N3 
** thanks to Jaycar