Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Cubox [Part 3]: Revisited .. Asterisk 1.8 issues

Turns out there is no sound on out-bound calls so my claims of success were a little premature.

I've been trying to diagnose - asterisk debugging is not super easy to follow and nothing cries PANIC. A good way to test was to use call-recording feature on 2talk and then test outbound call to mobile (using a friend to talk on one and you on the other is easiest ;). If both voices are recorded then obviously 2talk is receiving both and having issues thereafter (simple and obvious but seems to confirm that 2talk are passing on what they receive).

Searching around I see some notes on similar (no/extremely choppy audio on outbound call issues) such as https://issues.asterisk.org/jira/browse/ASTERISK-16258

Some things to try to resolve this.

Also review iax show netstat maybe the lack of sound is due to issues with load encoding on the fly, etc.


  1. No joy - but the following post seems to mirror what I'm experiencing also ..


    So .. let's try ..


  2. Yup that worked - didn't set to 'no' just removed the trunk=yes option.

